Saturday, 3 March 2012

JWMI(JAVA Windows Management Instrumentation)

JWMI(JAVA Windows Management Instrumentation)

JWmi is a small library to enable Java to make general WMI queries. The jWMI library which provides access to the WMI in pure java. With jWMI, you no longer need JNI, COM, or other libraries to query the Windows registry, system services or other Windows information.

One of the key design facets of Java Technology is that java programs execute within a virtual machine. Because all java applications execute within a virtual machine, the applications are abstracted from the operating system. In most cases, this is exactly what the application developer is looking for because the virtual machine provides security, stability for the underlying operating system in addition to environment consistency and reproducibility for the application. Additionally, the developer benefits from the compile-once, run anywhere benefits of the virtual machine.
One of the challenges encountered when implementing java applications is that the applications themselves are typically unable to interact directly with the operating system due to the sand-boxed nature of the programs execution environment, namely the virtual machine. This abstraction can make it difficult to determine specific information about the platform on which the application is being run. While this is one of the architectural advantages of the java environment, it can also get in the way when a legitimate application needs to access information about the host operating system.

WMI – Windows Management Instrumentation

      In order to allow applications to access operating system and platform specific information, Microsoft has provided a simple to use, SQL-like API called WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). WMI is provided as a default configuration within XP-Home and later operating systems. It can even be added to earlier operating systems such as Windows 2000 via a windows update.
      WMI queries can be executed from all of the Microsoft supported programming languages including, C/C++, .NET, Visual Basic, COM, C# and the various scripting languages such as ASP, VBScript and BAT (via command line tools).
      So what does a WMI query look like? A WMI query is actually fairly simple. If you have ever worked with SQL, then you will pick up the syntax rather quickly. In fact, the WMI query language is actually a modified subset of standard SQL.
 Ex:- Select Name from Win32_ComputerSystem;
      This example will select the ‘Name’ field from the Win32_ComputerSystem class. This value is actually the name of your computer that you can set in the ‘My Computer-Properties’ dialog.
In addition to simple queries, you can also create WMI queries that filter their results. For example, the following query will only return the system services that are in the Stopped state:

      Ex:- Select * from Win32_Service WHERE State = 'Stopped';

Executing WMI Queries
      There are numerous ways to execute a WMI query including a command line application and API’s in the various Microsoft programming languages. Windows XP-Pro and later server OS versions contain the WMIC.exe command line application. This allows a batch script to easily access WMI information. Additionally, VBScript can use API calls to execute a query.

      The following example shows how easy it is to obtain WMI data via the WMIC.exe application:
wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get Name

Obtaining WMI data from VBScript is also quite simple:

 Dim oWMI : Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:")
 Dim classComponent : Set classComponent = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select Name from  Win32_ComputerSystem")
 Dim obj, strData
 For Each obj in classComponent
    strData = strData & obj. & VBCrLf
 wscript.echo strData

A cross process WMI interface
      In order to access the WMI data from Java, we will need to be able to access the API. Unfortunately, Java does not have this built into the language, nor have I located a suitable class or library which provides this functionality. So, in order to make WMI data available to a java application, I embarked on search for ways to call a Microsoft “solution” to obtain the data for me. 
      My first attempt was to use WMIC.exe along with the Java Process class to simply execute the 
process from my java application, grab the output and poof, there would be the WMI data. After a bit of fiddling, I got this approach to work. When testing the solution on various Windows platforms, 
I soon discovered that not all OS’s have WMIC.exe. Unfortunately, WMIC.exe is not available on 
Window XP-Home and it is likely not available on the entry level versions of Vista either. 
      After this discovery, it was time to try another approach. This time I decided to use VBScript to 
access the information. In this model, I would dynamically create a VBScript file at java program 
runtime and then execute it from java within a cmd.exe process and obtain the output from the stdout of the process. Fortunately, this second attempt proved to work well and since VBScript is available 
on all recent versions of Windows, this is the approach that I finally implemented. 

Accessing WMI in Java – the jWMI libary

      The jWMI class is a fairly simple class which allows an application to execute an arbitrary query against the WMI subsystem. jWMI is easy to use and contains member variable defines for many of 
the available WMI classes. 
Executing a WMI query via jWMI is simple, as can be seen in the following
Ex:- String name = getWMIValue("Select Name from Win32_ComputerSystem", "Name");
    You can also query multiple data fields as shown in the following example. when querying 
multiple data fields from a class, be sure to place the field names in the same order as the query 
describes them.
This will help avoid confusion. 
Ex:- String name = getWMIValue("Select Description, Manufacturer     from Win32_PnPEntity", "Description,Manufacturer");
       As shown in a previous example, you can also execute more complex queries such as the 
following. In this case, we provide ‘Name’ as the desired field since we want the name of each 
service that is in a Stopped state:
Ex:- String name = getWMIValue("Select * from Win32_Service WHERE State = 'Stopped'", "Name");
jWMI – A WMIC.exe replacement for Windows XP-Home

      In addition to providing a programmatic API for accessing WMI data, jWMI provides a command line interface that allows you to use it from within batch scripts. It’s usage is quite simple and 
behavior is the same as the programmatic API.

Sample Application:

// A java bridge for querying the WMI interface.
public class jWMI
private static final String CRLF = "\r\n";
//Generate a VBScript string capable of querying the desired WMI information.
private static String getVBScript(String wmiQueryStr, String wmiCommaSeparatedFieldName)

→ Here we generate the .vbs file based on WMI Query String and Desired field names
//Get an environment variable from the windows OS
private static String getEnvVar(String envVarName) throws Exception
→ Here we can get the environmental variable name for placing our .vbs file into default location
→ If you Specify the location writing this method is optional
//Write the given data string to the given file
private static void writeStrToFile(String filename, String data) throws Exception
→ Using the method we can write the String data into .vbs file
// Execute the application with the given command line parameters.
private static String execute(String[] cmdArray) throws Exception
→ Using this method we can run the our .vbs file by passing the required command line parameters
//Get the given WMI value from the WMI subsystem on the local computer
public static String getWMIValue(String wmiQueryStr, String wmiCommaSeparatedFieldName) throws Exception
String vbScript = getVBScript(wmiQueryStr, wmiCommaSeparatedFieldName);
String tmpDirName = "D:/ZCC_Softwares";
String tmpFileName = tmpDirName + File.separator + "jwmi.vbs";
writeStrToFile(tmpFileName, vbScript);
String output = execute(new String[] {"cmd.exe", "/C", "cscript.exe", tmpFileName});
new File(tmpFileName).delete();
return output.trim();

public class JwmiTest{
String wmiQueryStr = “Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem ”;
String wmiDesiredFieldNames = “name,Module”;
String output = jWMI.getWMIValue(wmiQueryStr,wmiDesiredFieldNames);
//here output string variable contains the desired fields data

Hi Friends Let me know You Pleple need more help and code samples on this

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